Estão abertas, até 1 de maio, as inscrições para a formação pedagógica “What is in there for me: an introduction to Problem Based Learning (PBL) and course change for innovation”, promovida pela Unidade de Inovação Educativa, no âmbito do Plano de Formação para docentes da Universidade do Porto 2023/2024.

A decorrer no dia 6 de maio de 2024, segunda-feira, entre as 9h30 e as 12h30, online, este workshop, ministrado pela formadora Aida Guerra (Aalborg University: Aalborg Centre for Problem Based Learning in Engineering Science and Sustainability), irá abordar as seguintes temáticas: “Student-centered, innovative curricula, like problem-based learning (PBL), that are in demand in higher education. Challenges like employability, sustainable development goals, AI, big call for graduate with students with a skill set to perform in a global, complex, volatile society/ labor market. Higher education teachers need to become facilitators of, and for learning, instead of just being transmitters of knowledge. But to do so, the question remains, what does in there for them? What kind of pedagogical knowledge and skills are needed? In this workshop, participants will be introduced to Problem Based Learning (PBL), its definition, principles, and models, as well as reflect on their own teaching practice and identify the type of knowledge and skills need to change towards student-centered, collaborative learning environments.”

Obs.: Formação em Português

A participação é gratuita, ainda que seja sujeita a inscrição prévia.