The Rectorate of the University of Porto (Portugal) will host, between October 13 and 15, the first annual summit of the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH), an occasion that will serve to enhance the sharing of knowledge and rapprochement between the communities of the five universities – U.Porto, Paris-Saclay (France), Lund (Sweden), Ludwig-Maximilian de Munich (Germany) and Szeged (Hungary) – that integrate the innovative “European Inter-University Alliance” formed in 2019.
At a time when the world faces one of the greatest challenges ever in the field of Global Health, this unprecedented face-to-face meeting in the framework of EUGLOH (initially scheduled for 2020, but postponed due to the pandemic of COVID-19) aims to bring to debate the multidisciplinary challenges emerging in this area. Leading the discussion will be a panel of international experts from the five “allied” universities, from all areas of knowledge, as well as guest speakers from external organizations.
After a first day reserved for internal EUGLOH meetings, the summit’s program will open to the rest of the community through several parallel and public sessions. The present and the future of the “Alliance” will then serve as a pretext to reflect on the interdisciplinary challenges related to Global Health and Higher Education in Europe.
A special note for the three public roundtables that will fill much of the last two days of the meeting.The first one takes place on October 14, at 10h15, and consists of a round table where researchers and officials from the five EUGLOG universities will debate the multidisciplinary challenges in the field of Global Health. The moderator will be Fernando Jorge Monteiro, professor at U.Porto.
Soon after, at 11h45, EUGLOH, but also EUGLOHRIA (the project that marks the enlargement of the “Alliance” to the fields of research and innovation in health) will be the subject of a round table which will debate solutions to strengthen ties between education, research, innovation and civil society. António Portela (CEO of BIAL) and Ana Teresa Lehman (professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto and former Secretary of State for Industry) are two of the names confirmed for this session, which will be moderated by Artur Santos Silva, trustee of the La Caixa Foundation.
The last public session is scheduled for October 15 , at 11h00, and will be led by portuguese conductor Rui Massena. “Thinking Global Health” is the theme for a session moderated by the Rector of the U.Porto, António de Sousa Pereira, and which will feature, among others, the former Minister of Health Paulo Macedo, current representative of the U.Porto in the Advisory Committee of EUGLOH.
The EUGLOH Annual Summit 2021 will close at 12h30, with the presence of the leaders of the different universities of the “Alliance”. They will be joined by Helena Pereira, President of the Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology (FCT)
The meeting will take place in a hybrid format. The public and parallel sessions will be broadcast live on the event’s website.
The European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) began to take shape in June 2019, with the approval by the European Commission of what is one of the continent’s first 17 university alliances.
The project was officially launched in September 2019, in Paris, and aims the strong cooperation between the five “allied” universities in the fields of teaching, research and innovation in the area of global health, in a multidisciplinary perspective, focusing on areas such as academic mobility and scientific cooperation.
More information here.