(English Version Below)

O CJS (Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar sobre Crime, Justiça e Segurança) da Escola de Criminologia da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto, a Universidade de Colorado, Denver (School of Public Affairs) e a Springer têm o prazer de convidar V. Exas. para a 25.ª Conferência CJS. A conferência, intitulada “Author Meets Authors: Uniting International Qualitative Researchers – Book Launch of ‘Qualitative Research in Criminology: Cutting-Edge Methods’“, terá como oradores as editoras da obra, Rita Faria e Mary Dodge, e os autores dos vários capítulos que a compõem. Realiza-se no dia 21 de junho, pelas 16h (hora portuguesa) e pode ser acompanhada via Zoom através do link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/92486691461.

Agradecemos a vossa presença e a mais ampla divulgação do evento.

English Version

CJS, the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Crime, Justice and Security of the School of Criminology – Faculty of Law of the University of Porto, the University of Colorado Denver (School of Public Affairs) and Springer are pleased to invite you to the 25th CJS Conference, titled “Author Meets Authors: Uniting International Qualitative Researchers – Book Launch of ‘Qualitative Research in Criminology: Cutting-Edge Methods’“, featuring the book editors, Rita Faria and Mary Dodge, and featuring the authors of the book chapters. The conference will take place via Zoom (https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/92486691461) on June 21st, 4pm (GMT), and attendance is free.

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25.ª Conferência CJS

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