INTEMO Program, the benefits of training the Social and Emotional Competencies of adolescents

Qua20Set10:00Qua12:00INTEMO Program, the benefits of training the Social and Emotional Competencies of adolescents10h00 | Sala 11110:00 - 12:00(GMT+01:00) Tipo de eventoSeminárioLocalFaculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação


No dia 20 de setembro, pelas 10h00 na sala 111 da FPCEUP, terá lugar o Seminário “INTEMO Program, the benefits of training the Social and Emotional Competencies of adolescents”.

Contará com a presença de Rosario Cabello Gonzalez, professora e membro do Laboratório de Emoções da Universidade de Málaga, Espanha.
A discussão será conduzido por Ana Costa, investigadora doutorada da Universidade Católica Portuguesa em Braga e Inês Vieira, estudante do Programa Doutoral em Psicologia (PDP) da FPCEUP.

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Esta iniciativa é organizada por Luísa Faria, professora e antiga Diretora da FPCEUP.

Sobre a convidada
Rosario Cabello, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology and a member of the Emotions Lab at the University of Malaga (Spain) and the International Society for Emotional Intelligence (ISEI). She has authored or edited eight books and published more than 55 journal scientific articles and essays focused primarily on human emotion and emotional intelligence. She has written the INTEMO+ Program to improve the EI of adolescents. Her current research themes are experimental and correlational analysis of individual differences in EI, developing new ways to assess EI in children and adolescents, and designing customized training programs to improve people’s EI.

Sobre o Programa
According to the 2021 State of the World’s Children Report (UNICEF), adolescents’ well-being and mental health is greatly affected by levels of anxiety and depression, these being the most common psychopathologies among European adolescents. These problems that severely impact adolescents’ well-being are closely related to deficits at an emotional level, finding that under these symptoms are hidden issues related to the perception, understanding, and management of their own emotions and those of others. Through this seminar, we will share the latest research on emotions and adolescent well-being, trying to provide empirical evidence on the effect that interventions focused on social and emotional competences have on adolescent development. Specifically, we will give concrete intervention examples that are effective with thousands of adolescents in different countries: INTEMO+ program.

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