Flourishing in the Digital Age for Children and Youth: Emotional Self-regulation and Healthy Relationships as Key Processes

Sex21Jun14:30Sex16:00Flourishing in the Digital Age for Children and Youth: Emotional Self-regulation and Healthy Relationships as Key Processes"OUT OF (IN)SIGHT, OUT OF MIND" - CPUP scientific talks14:30 - 16:00(GMT+01:00) Sala 252 - FPCEUPTipo de eventoCicloLocalFaculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação


No dia 21 de junho, pelas 14:30, na sala 252 da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), terá lugar a segunda sessão integrada no ciclo “OUT OF (IN)SIGHT, OUT OF MIND” – CPUP scientific talks, intitulada Flourishing in the Digital Age for Children and Youth: Emotional Self-regulation and Healthy Relationships as Key Processes.

A sessão contará com a presença do convidado Jeffrey Liew, da Universidade Texas A&M.

A entrada é gratuita, mas sujeita a inscrição no seguinte formulário.

Sobre o convidado:

Jeffrey Liew is Professor and interim department head of Educational Psychology at Texas A&M University. He identifies as a developmental and learning scientist, specializing in research on social-emotional development and emotional self-regulation processes in early childhood through adolescence and early adulthood. His work is aimed at promoting social-emotional competencies, flourishing, and resilience in children and youth for whole-child academic success and well-being. He is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the American Psychological Association (APA) Division of Developmental Psychology, an elected Governing Council Member-at-Large for the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), and the incoming Editor of Early Education and Development.

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