Conferência "Practicing in the psychooncology context: Where has the science taken us? Where do we go from here as we consider future directions in research?"
No dia 29 de novembro, pelas 18:00h, na sala 249 da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), terá lugar a uma conferência intitulada
No dia 29 de novembro, pelas 18:00h, na sala 249 da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), terá lugar a uma conferência intitulada “Practicing in the psychooncology context: Where has the science taken us? Where do we go from here as we consider future directions in research?”.
Esta é uma iniciativa da organização do Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto (CPUP), em conjunto com o Programa Doutoral em Psicologia (PDP) da FPCEUP.
Contará com a presença da convidada Mary Jane Esplen, Professora na Faculdade de Medicina de Termerty da Universidade de Toronto.
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Sobre a convidada
Dr. Esplen is Professor and former Vice Chair, Equity and Mentorship, in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto. Dr. Esplen has held roles as Clinician scientist at the University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital in psycho-oncology and is founder and former Executive Director of the de Souza Institute, a Knowledge Translation Centre focusing on continuing education for health professionals in oncology and palliative care. Under Dr. Esplen’s leadership the de Souza Institute delivered training programs to over 18,000 health professionals across Canada.
Dr. Esplen’s research earned her Career Scientist awards from CIHR and NCIC. She led numerous studies on individual psychosocial or group psychotherapy interventions for oncology or cancer genetic populations and developed new psychometric instruments for psychological screening that have been translated into over 18 languages. Dr. Esplen also is a trained psychoanalyst and clinician with a private practice. Her honours include the Bernard Fox Memorial Award from the International Psycho-oncology Society and a lifetime achievement award from the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology.