On December 4, the School of Economics and Management of the University of Porto (FEP) hosted the much-anticipated FEP Global Summit, an event organised by a group of FEP students that brought together prominent figures from politics, economics, academia, and the student community. The summit focused on the strategic challenges faced by the European Union (EU) and its relations with the United States (US) and China.

The initiative stemmed from the organisers’ commitment to ensuring that young people play an active role in understanding and debating critical global issues. The event aimed to create an informed and accessible space for discussion on geopolitics and international relations, particularly for those without specialised training in these subjects.

Held in the Grand Hall of FEP, the summit began with a speech by former Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, who addressed the challenges of the European project, drawing a parallel between European leaders’ responses to the sovereign debt crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic.

In-depth Discussions on major global players

The first panel, held at 2:45 PM, focused on China and Southeast Asia as emerging economies and future powers. With contributions from former Minister of National Defence José Azeredo Lopes, geopolitics analyst Helena Ferro Gouveia, and other experts, the debate examined the growing impact of Asia on the global stage. The session was moderated by Rui Henrique Alves, economist and former EU advisor.

At 4:00 PM, the focus shifted to the United States and its global impact. A diverse panel, including former minister José António Vieira da Silva, social commentator João Maria Jonet, and former PSD leader Luís Filipe Menezes, explored changes in US policies and their consequences for the world order. The dynamic debate was moderated by Vasco Granja, a student and member of the organising team.

The final session, at 5:30 PM, addressed Europe’s opportunities and challenges, with contributions from figures such as former President of the Assembly of the Republic Augusto Santos Silva and European affairs expert João Diogo Barbosa. This panel examined Europe’s identity crisis and its role as a global actor, moderated by journalist António Costa.

Closing remarks and a call to action

The event concluded with an intervention by João Rui Ferreira, Secretary of State for Economy, who emphasised the importance of informed intergenerational dialogue to tackle global challenges.

The FEP Global Summit proved to be a valuable space for the exchange of perspectives on the geopolitical and economic issues shaping our world. The active involvement of FEP students in the conception and organisation of the summit reflects the new generation’s commitment to fostering informed and plural public debate.

The success of the event highlights the central role of universities as catalysts for critical thinking and dialogue, empowering young voices to significantly influence the global agenda.