In a bid to foster continuous learning and knowledge exchange, the EUGLOH Alliance, funded by the Erasmus+ programme, hosted a transformative Lifelong Learning Workshop in the context of “Work Package 4: Employability and Lifelong Learning” led by Carla Carmelo Rosa, from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP).
The event, which took place in Lund, Sweden, on the 9th and 10th of April, aimed at sharing lifelong learning institutional strategies, experiences and best practices as the first step to creating an Action Plan for an EUGLOH Lifelong Learning programme to support re-skilling and upskilling of professionals.
Led by the University of Porto and Lund University, the workshop attracted 20 participants from 9 partner universities across Europe. With a diverse range of backgrounds and expertise, attendees gathered to delve into experiences and best practices in Lifelong Learning.
The “Exchanging Experiences and Best Practices in Lifelong Learning” workshop was structured around three fundamental prompts, so as to provide better guidance for the task group to prepare the grounds for the definition of an EUGLOH Action Plan for Lifelong Learning (LLL): Sharing, Inspiring and Planning. It provided a platform for robust discussions, and interactive sessions, setting the ground for meaningful collaborations on the topic of Lifelong Learning. Through engaging presentations and hands-on activities, participants delved into the institutional strategies and the lifelong learning landscape in partner institutions, their regions and countries as a basis for co-creating the vision of the Action Plan to implement an EUGLOH Lifelong Learning Programme.
One of the highlights of the workshop was the presentation of “hot topics” relating to the institutional strategies on LLL at each of the partners’ home institutions, allowing EUGLOH to identify common challenges and structural differences, namely different levels of regulatory academic standards, staff engagement and recognition. Through collaborative methodologies, participants were able to highlight aspects that should be prioritised to create an LLL Strategy in EUGLOH and pinpoint what should be mapped, compared and eventually replicated for LLL within EUGLOH.
The Lifelong Learning Workshop underscored the importance of ongoing professional development and knowledge exchange in the ever-evolving landscape of higher education. As European universities continue to embrace the principles of lifelong learning, initiatives like this workshop serve as catalysts for innovation and excellence in education, aligned with the objectives of the EU and the European Universities initiative.
Looking ahead, participants are eager to apply the insights gained from the workshop to their respective institutions, driving positive change and fostering a culture of interdisciplinary lifelong learning across Europe. With continued collaborative efforts among the partner universities, the journey towards educational excellence and continuous improvement remains steadfast.